Opening Bank Account

First thing first after company is incorporated or registered... we need bank account to start running the business


6/1/20241 min read

To do list

What to do after company is 'incorporated' or registered?

  1. Get a rubber stamp (some bank still insisted to have it)(without address will do)

  2. Get a Business Card ? May be....

  3. Open a Business Current Account, we have searched for you, try open it online (no need or minimum time in branch)

    1. Alliance Bank

    2. AmBank (

    3. OBCB Bank

    4. UOB Bank

    5. Public Bank (not digital yet, KL/Selangor, the officer may meet you)

    eKYC verification getting more and more common now to ease the ID verification, have you tried MyDigital ID?


Digital Banks are here in Malaysia

However, the are more to Consumer than SME.

Anyhow, traditional banks are now more 'digital' than before, ready to accept 'Account Opening' digitally.

However, they may still want "CTC" document from Cosec.

OCBC eBiz ApplicationOCBC eBiz Application